Monday 3 April 2017

Where in Space and Time

It was one of those weekends where I needed to be a couple people to be all the places I wanted to be at.  I needed more me's in space and time that what there is in reality.  It was the weekend of our Strawberry Creek retreat and it was my moms' 80th birthday and it was the weekend where the Fish and Game was dedicating the Elk Trophy to Brian.

No possible way to win that list of choices at all.  I went with this.

My mom at 80.  She still cleans two condos full time.  She has more gumption and grace and charm than I ever will. She has always been younger than springtime to me.  Happy Birthday mom!

I did have a lovely weekend and it gave me a chance to stop in at Prairie Lily in Saskatoon.  There is always something interesting there.  For a change, I came away without any Briggs and Little!

I did find delicious though.

This is Rowan's Fine Silk.  It is a blend of silk, wool and viscose that is wonderfully soft and has a really lovely sheen to it.  These are only 25 gram balls with 164 metres but with 2 teal and 2 lime, I have enough for a nice small neck shawl.  A better than jewellery summer accessory.  

I must be having a thing for this slight variation on my blue and green fixation.  This is the second set of yarns I have in these colours.  The first set is Einband for the Courant shawl from Twist Collective.

I am sure I am having a thing with this limey green colour because this was the first thing I carried with me around the store.

My perennial favourite Meilenweit sock yarn.

I picked up one other brand of sock yarn.  It is a new one for Prarie Lily but it looks great and she had a wonderful selection of it.

She said she got it in because it had a really great price (12.99 CA per ball) .  At that price you cannot lose and there were some great long striped colours, multi's and striping.  So many choices. I choose sspring sky colours but if you look close, you will see a hint of that green!  More fool me.  I did not see it till I took the pictures!

The green makes sense to me.  The snow is all gone here except in shaded places.  It is a little early but this limey green is the colour of leaf buds just as they pop.  Once they are out a bit everything is apple green, but the first colour that very first burst of spring is this limey green goodness.

The world is waking up and I guess, it is where I am in space and time and that is a pretty good thing.

1 comment:

  1. I am spinning and knitting green now too! No judgement here.
