Wednesday 28 September 2016

Nuts to me.

I was spinning yesterday and decided to go to the knitting circle in the afternoon.  How nice it was to visit with everybody again.  But I realized before I went, that I only had one pair of socks to work on and it was not in a good place for group knitting.

Off I went to pickup a bit of yarn and some needles.  I started my Christmas shopping too, so it was an all round good stop.

And then, over a bite to eat, I had to pick a pattern.  I went with Nutkin. 

Nutkin is a really nice textural pattern, one of the most knit sock patterns on Ravelry.  And I am pretty pleased with my version too.

It's a shorter than average sock for the pattern, but that is what works for me.  I've switched lots up on it.  Ribbed cuff instead of a fussy one.  Heel flap heel.  Still for all its differences, it is the heart of a Nutkin.

1 comment:

  1. What size needles are you using and what is the yarn?
    Love the colour you have chosen.
