Monday 30 May 2016

My area had a nice healthy thunder storm go through yesterday evening.  The tower sending us our internet signal was damaged by a lightning strike and it took the better part of a day to get it back up and running.  I will be fine once I get over missing the internet all day.

Not that I am addicted mind...

On the upside, there has been much work on Isaac's sweater and it is really starting to come together.

Completed pockets.  And yes, the second was just as much fun as the first.  I am going to close off the side edges of the pocket with a three needle type bind off and may very well mimic one as I attache the zipper to finish off that edge.  (Still working out how to do a 3 needle bind off when you are not binding off anything)


 One sleeve nearing completion.  I have to call and have my son measure Isaac from his armpit to his wrist so I know how long I need to go.

It's looking very nice.  Now I just have to go dig out the zipper I know I have somewhere.


1 comment:

  1. This is going to get worn and worn and worn - it just looks so much like a fantastic "go-to" cardigan for a little boy - right down to having pockets for all the little treasures they collect and tote about!
