Weekends seem to be such a busy time lately. I keep waiting for peaceful quiet days of knitting. Those long far too quiet Friday nights are far, far in my past.
I babysat my other set of grandkiddies this weekend. What a treat for me! There was time to knit, but only on small things, and on things I knit ovewr and over.
Most of my time was spent on my grandsons sweater. Its for Issac, my oldest. I started it before and wasn't happy with it, so I pulled it all out and I started it again. And again. And again. Fourth times the charm, right?
I think I am finally on the right path.
Each time, I got this far previously, it started feeling wrong. This time, it feels right, I think. I hope.
Cardigan. Raglan sleeves. Mostly plain stockinette. Sounds about right for an 8 year old boy who is also somehow on the cusp of manhood.
Kid knitting. The stuff of life.
I look forward to seeing the progress on the sweater :)