Friday 11 March 2016

The day before we are done

Today is the day before we are done.  Or the day before I hope we are done.  I don't think I like moving so well now as I did when I was younger.  I just want to be settled and sorting out a routine in a new place.

I did not knit at all yesterday but wanted to write a bit about a lovely book I just finished.  Major Pettigrew's Last Stand by Helen Simonson.

What a lovely story.  Its about an old Major who fall is love and comes to find that he can let go of many things in order to be happy.

that is exactly how I feel.  I can let go of many things and no matter, I will be happy.  Happy is from inside and is a choice that we either allow to flourish or tangle up inside ourselves till the ends are lost in the mess.  I will let my happy out. 

It's a lovely book, not big, not splashy, but small and warm, the kind that creeps into your memory to sit and give you pleasure.  there should be more of this kind of books.  There should be more of this kind of thing in life.

I highly recommend it.

1 comment:

  1. I read this book last year - you're right, it's warm, comfortable, but has a little bit of "upsetness" so that you don't get bored. And the cover art was just beautiful!

    I'm glad to hear one more person enjoyed it.
    Chris S in Canada
