Wednesday 21 October 2015

I spent the day chasing kiddies

I spent my day chasing kiddies yesterday.  I love spending whole days with them like that.  You get to see an entirely different side of them than when you pop in for a few hours .  Cassie is really starting to play with her imagination.  It was so much fun.  She would stop in a freeze motion way and not move till I tickled her.  I had taken along some of the green yarn to wind and she loved doing it.  The balls might be a little squidgy from being wound with a mildly uneven tension but they will be perfectly servicable.  I was surprised that she made it through the first of these giant balls but she was really fascinated by it.  I know that one of her favourite things is treadling the spinning wheels, so maybe we have a burgeoining handmaker in our midst.  

I got home and I was exhausted.  Completely and utterly. I knit for a while on the giant sweater, making it almost to the end of the third ball's allotted yarn amount of about 100 metres.  When I was writing the other day, I forgot to take the collar into account, but a third for the collar is set aside as well.  If you knit a giant coat, do keep in mind to knit it in winter.  Its like knitting afghans!  This shouldn't surprise me but it kind of does.

As I cleaned the wool room the other day, I pulled out yarn for the next couple projects.

Socks up next.  Plain vanilla but striped plain and multi.  I originally chose the soft grey Sisu to go with the green Kroy, but as I was mucking about with yarn, it looked better sitting next to the charcoal Elann sock yarn.  The gray looks really great in person with that multi blue brown gray Kroy even though it looks a tad washed out there.

And a few sweater yarns.

 Yarn for three new sweaters, one for me, one for my oldest grandson, and one for his mom.  The last two will be made first.  His because I don't want him to grow too much that I run out of yarn (!!! like weeds they are!) and his moms, because I hope to get there before Christmas.  And mine because I look at the tiny swatch that remains of Mr Needles Cascade 220 vest on my swatch board, and remember how much he liked and wore it, and want to feel that kind of warm too.

And then a bag of good stuff.  

That cotton you see on top is to make a duster end for my Swiffer.  I have high ceilings and I am just not going to go all over my house on a step ladder to dust the high bits.  I would kill myself falling off the darn thing.  The Swiffer will make it possible to reach it all standing on the floor but they don't make duster sheets for swiffers.  No.  They only make them for dusters and though I have a long handled one over at the house, it still wouldn't reach my highest peaks.  So the obvious solution is to make some dusters that do fit.  I am almost to the end of the sweeper sheets too so it is time to make some dust mop style covers for floors too.

The rest of that mass of yarn is shawls.  My very special Shilasdair, some wonderful Briggs and Little and some of the newer wonderfully soft Custom Woolen Mills Sock yarn are all going to make suggly warm yummy things to wear.  Then there are some bits for mitts and toques for little people I know and love.  It is a sweet mess of yarn and I am looking forward to it! 

And one more for granny.  

I came across this from long ago.  I had started a Wingspan but kept messing up the counts.  I was not using markers and I guess I needed to. It had all been pulled apart and is ready to knit again.  Lovely Noro Taiyo and delicious Tove. I love the way the yarn looked as a Wingspan it and it just felt right to pull out this simple knitting that makes exciting things happen as you go.  

Anyway, off for a date with the blob to count it's rows to see how I am doing.  And Poirot.  Maybe some Lewis on tv.  Possibly an audio book.  I don't know.  What I do know is this.  It's going to be the most knitterly day of this week!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh do you own a lot of yarn! Holy Doodle. Sounds as if you had a great day with the kiddies. That is fun.
