Saturday 26 September 2015

Friday File

 As I have said many times, I am on an organizing kick.  It isn't really organizing so much as finally getting all the little things done that I thought about doing when I first came here.  Friday, I was planning to start a little project for Cassie's birthday but before I could do that I had to get the sewing corner unburied.  The sewing corner is a great place to tuck boxes of wool when I am digging in the wool room.  

Step one was putting stuff back in the wool room. Good to go.  Then as part of the new organizing and putting thing, I knew that all the bits hanging on the sewing desk needed to be dealt with before I moved forward.  So I dealt with all the bits.  I moved all the sewing stuff from the desk drawer on the small desk I now use for a computer desk and the few desk things from the sewing desk.  
 It is in pretty desperate need of some work but this is small scale sorting.  Time for that later.   

By then it was 3 o'clock and I knew I wasn't going to get started on dolly things.  I did not want my busy day to end, but I did want doll work to start when I was fresh.  I realized that there was something I could do, something that I planned for a long time and that would also help in organizing the bigger picture too.

I had a lovely toile print duvet cover and pillowcase set from Ikea.  I had it on my bed for a good long time at the old house. When I was packing to move, I just couldn't let it go.  It was part of my blue and white collection even if it wasn't china. Once I decided where my study would be, I thought I would use them for curtains.  And so they sat, on a pile, like so many other little things, for months.  They got moved around and tucked here and there, but they never had a place or purpose. They were my arch nemesis, "stuff".  Time for "stuff" to be done.

 My original plan was full length side panels to frame the blinds, but in a lot of ways, I am glad it took a while to sort out what would work best.  This room, more than any other place, lacked a little privacy.  Privacy meant that I always had the blinds closed...which of course meant that I missed the lovely natural airy lightness from  the pair of windows in this space.  Full curtains, even light ones would have meant opening and closing blinds all the time.  And that bugs me.  

It struck me a while ago that cafe curtains were the perfect solution. They are static, and give me the feeling of privacy while the blinds are wide open and the top of the window lets in a wonderful flood of light.  

The fabric is really very sheer, and is fine for daytime privacy but not quite so fine for night time privacy.  The deep fabric stash has a ton of white lining fabric, though I am going to have to test how it performs at night.  

I turned the two pillowcases into covers for two pillows that were kicking about. The large square one is slated for a knitted colourwork pillow cover (I have the wool) and will do someday...or not, and the round was always meant to have a fabric cover.

I have a nice bit of toile fabric left and that is going straight to the fabric boxes under my bed.  I am trying to decide what it will be, a ruffly cover for the stool in my sewing corner, or covering for the boxes that store all the sewing bits and pieces.   I have some options! 

For a quick Friday afternoon project, this is wonderful.  It was uncomplicated so I did not have to think hard.  It gave me maximum bang for minimum ($0) bucks.  It gave me a solution to a "stuff" problem.  It gave me a solution to a privacy irritant. A win in every way.  

The perfect end to a Friday.


  1. Oh yes! It is so fantastic when tidying meets making and crosses with decorating all using what's already on hand and gets done in one day!!!!!

  2. S&P is right. And your work looks lovely.
