Tuesday 23 June 2015

Well, here I sit.  According to the weather man, we are heading into a week or two of really hot weather.

I have to get the quilt on the rails before it gets too warm. I don't want to hold it and baste it when it is too hot to handle a winter blanket.  I could manage a smaller thing but something the size of a bed cover?  Too much.  Get it on quickly is going to have to be my motto.  And yet after all these many many years, there isn't anything about this quilt that is quick. No point in rushing now.  I am nothing if not efficient at putting a thing off but in my small house, there are no corners to hide stuff in.  If I am constantly stepping on it, it gets done faster, whether I plan it or not.

In the heat of the afternoon, I am going to plan for some scarf knitting, or sock knitting, or maybe some cotton basket crocheting.  Elisabeth Zimmermann in the Knitter's Almanac, says summer is the time for small things.

I think quilting is going to be a morning occupation.
A quarter of the wee beastie.

It should be noted, now that I have all the borders on the top, that I need a bigger bed.  Just sayin'.

1 comment:

  1. It looks so beautiful. I have never quilted but I am sure it is very satisfying to see something pretty come together. Hopefully, you do this by machine? We have the Amish here and once a year there is a huge auction of their handmade quilts. What awesomeness!!

    Aside from quilts, sometimes I wonder what it would be like to live an Amish-like existence. At my age, they would build on a small abode next to their home and would take care of me. I am sure they would allow me to continue knitting, as TV, and all other electronics are forbidden. Even the phone sits on the corner at the end of the mud road. But, oh God, the peace, emotionally and physically. However, I have long ago given up on that dream since the Amish do not allow electricity in their homes and thusly no air conditioning other than a gas-generator driven overhead fan. Argh.......
