Monday 18 August 2014

Only a couple hours more

My mom and dad came up to visit this weekend and they did their usual stuff, making everything better, fixing all the little stuff I never quite get to.  I have a good mom and dad.  My kids all came over to visit with them and I played with little ones enough for any grandma to love.  Babies were held.  Diapers were changed.  Life is pretty good.

And then they were gone.  I thought they would be here for a few more days but mom had to work so they were off and running before noon and I ended up with a very quiet afternoon and evening in which to knit.

Fronts and backs are joined and knitting the long body has begun.  Carter is a long baby.  He was 22 inches when he was born and he has grown inches.  As long as he is, he is a wee thing.  He has his mommy's fine bones, so he seems big and small at the same time.  It was a good day to take his measurements to make sure that these pants will fit him at least till Christmas.  

They are kind of one season wonder pants, I suppose, but then, most baby knitting is.  These cute pants are aimed at that in between season that is on our horizon, that time where if you are in your car, you use the heater in the morning and the air conditioner in the afternoon.  They will keep baby warm but not too warm.  

I am half way to where I have some stitches to add at the lower back, the 'diaper' stitches. Another evening of work and I will be there and then a few more inches to the legs.  The wee legs go so fast.

And then it is time to get his little sweater finished.  Do you recall this wee thing?  

 It needs buttons and a few more ends woven in but it is almost done.  Time to go on a button search. And there is the wee hat to wear with it.  Sweet soft cotton chunky yarn.  And then to a couple hats, one for each of my kiddies.  

I love baby knitting but it sure can cut into a persons sweater production!  Still, just a couple more hours. It goes fast if you stick with it and I do hope to stick with it.  Kids first then sweaters for me.  Soon enough.

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