Thursday 28 August 2014

I got nuthin.

This morning when I woke, I went to my computer and tried to write.  I got nuthin.

I seem to run out of writing steam by Wednesday.  I don't remember feeling that way longer ago, but then my concerns now are so different. Sort of.  I think I understand the Wordless Wednesday thing a lot of bloggers used to do.  

Wait. It is Thursday, not Wednesday.  And Thursday means a quiet day.  Today I have a bookcase to build, some books to sort and unpack and then to cap my evening, dishes.  

And knitting. I would really rather just knit and the heck with the house!  I am pretty sure this isn't a surprise to anybody. 

I might do that.  Skip the housework and knit.  I could talk myself into that so easily.    

1 comment:

  1. Good morning, Needles. I'm up early, too, but that's unusual for me. Figured tossing and turning would be pointless, so I put in some laundry, and am playing on computer. Today it's a fishing trip with the nursing home residents (unless it's rained out at the lake). Alternate is finishing cleaning the last greenhouse. Either way, it will be a good day. Have a good one☺.
