Wednesday, 16 April 2014

How to take knitting to a knit night

Mostly you put it in your bag of course.

Several years ago, there was a traumatic evening where I was at a seminar at a yarn store where a yarn rep was giving a talk about the making of yarn.  What with one thing and another, my bag was in the back and I could not get to it.  I sat the whole evening without knitting.  In a yarn store.  

Since that time, I have always carried at least two projects in my bag.  Until the last few weeks.  In managing this move, somehow the knitting has left my bag and I have found myself without knitting a whole bunch of times.  And I hate it.  Last week, I arrived at knit night and realized, I did not have any knitting with me.  I had stopped at the old place to load up the car with stuff, and since there was no knitting left there, went to my knit night, knitless.  

So today, as a reminder of a knitter being knitless, I am telling myself how to take knitting to a knit night.

Mostly, you put it into your bag.


Sel and Poivre said...

I hate getting there with my knitting but then no glasses!

Sandra said...

hence the reason I always have at least one sock in progress in my purse. I've been caught as well...

Brendaknits said...

I once arrived at knit group knitless. It is the type of thing that gives knitters nightmares.