Tuesday 4 March 2014

The Secrets of the Big Red Mass

Since the middle of February, there has been a red mass sitting at the side of my chair.  

The red mass is a proto-sweater, the earliest form of a sweater, a sweater so new, so burgeoning into life that it doesn't really know what it is going to be except that it will be.

It keeps its secrets and holds them close to its chest
like the faux seams at the sides, faux seams that are just a simple single purl stitch there among all the rest.

Like the wide section where it isn't sure what it wants to do, 

but we sure had better be prepared to steek it here, in order to get rid of it.

Like the glory of its just a little fancy cable,

Or the deep, dark, gaping maw of its greatest sin.

Or the simplicity and beauty of its plain jane stockinette
that allows the heart of the woolen spun Briggs and Little to shine through.

There is a mass of red sitting beside my chair and and it waits quietly but hungrily waiting to be knit.  My hands are not quite ready yet, but soon.  Each day it is a little better.  Soon, I can work on it again.

For now I will content myself with the sock and the plain black sweater, which is easy, no thinking knitting.

PS: if the blog suddenly goes dark for a day or two, don't worry.  I am going to be a grandma again soon, and though it is a couple, as in three weeks early, the indicators might be indicating...or it might be a false alarm.  In any case, it is high time to the hunt for delicious baby yarn for another wee Pepita !

1 comment:

  1. congratulations to the soon to be again grandma! Best wishes for a safe and healthy birth.
