Monday 13 January 2014

Number One

I record my socks on Ravelry as a parade of socks rather than posting individual socks.  There have always been too many socks and it isn't like I am making patterned pairs or doing anything fancy. Indeed the last couple pairs haven't eve had heels.  The last few pairs have just been long tubes of lovely warm goodness.  

That is what these are, this first pair of 2014.  Just long tube socks of warm goodness, in one of my all time favourite patterns, Confetti, a Patons Kroy pattern that may or may not be around anymore.

I haven't bought sock yarn with the intention of using it for socks, for a while now.  I keep waiting for something to excite me.  Colours, signs of patterning, something that will be fun and interesting to do.  It isn't that there isn't lots of good stuff out there, it is just that my massive sock yarn for socks stash is really very nice and its hard to compete against it.  I have the creme de la creme of sock yarns from the last 7 years here.  Well, creme de la creme within my particular price point and my favourite colours etc, etc, etc.

Socks to make socks out of are very different yarns than sock yarn to make something else out of.  I have pretty high standards when it comes to sock yarn.  It has to be wash and wear proof.  It can't shrink at the drop of a hat.  It has to wear and the vast majority of them do.  Only a few lines have been regretted over the years, almost all of them because of shrinkage in the washer & dryer. 

After finishing a pair of socks, I always go to the WIP basket and start working on another sock that has been sitting around for a while.  I couldn't do that this time.  There are no socks sitting around partially knitted.  

This hasn't happened since I bought my second pair of sock needles and that took place about two weeks after I bought my first pair of sock needles.  It never happens.

So not only do I get to dig in the sock yarn, I get to start more than one pair.  Colour me happy.  It is going to be a good day.


  1. Yes, the tube socks are lovely. GD

  2. You had me fooled, the color pooling in front sock looks like a heel flappy-turny thingy. I love the bright colors mommy needles

  3. I love that crazy colour! Do you just knit a stockinette tube or do you do ribbing and such?
    Friend me on Ravelry, I'm Newfiecatt over there and I would love to see your projects page of socks!
