Friday 14 June 2013

With the finishing of things

With the finishing of things this week, it means I have only 12 things in my works in progress pile.  hehehe

I did start a new project, in a project that I already had on my needles sort of way.  Before Christmas, I started a Still Light Tunic for my daughter in law.  I was using a stash yarn, a sportweight wool from Elann. It was OK and she loved the colour and the sweater was moving along wonderfully.

And then the needles broke.  Somehow or other, it took a couple weeks to get another needle and I completely lost my mojo on the project. It sat unloved till now.

And then somewhere in there, I found enough of my most favourite green in the world, 7238 in Drops Alpaca, which is the yarn the sweater is designed for. I started from scrap.

 It looks sadly dimmed here when in truth it is a warm golden green, not lime, not apple, but heathered with hints of both inside a heart of something deep and warm.  It is bright and cheery and what my fingers need to knit right now.

There.  That is better  A little more true to what it really is.  More yellow perhaps.

There are two other green yarns sitting on my desk at the same time. I don't know what they will be for.  
Well, one has a project assigned.  This one is for another of those sweet little footed baby overalls.  A nephew's little girl will love it.  

The other is just to look at.  Its a little powerful for a green to contemplate, but when this is worked up, it is truly stunning.  A tuch something (cloth in German) or other, a pretty little neck scarflette. Hey wait a second.  Maybe I do know what this will be!

Green is good.  Green is fresh and crisp and brings to mind thoughts of renewal and awakening.  Greens are no small matter and are always good.

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