Monday 18 February 2013

And Monday morning

Today feels as if I am playing hooky.  I always feel that on family day.  So...

What does Monday morning find?  Well that closet from yesterday morning was only 1 stack done.  Yesterday was all about getting the rest of it done.  It got worse.

There were still a few containers to dig through when I took these pictures so it got worse from here.

Then there was a little of this:

 It is right at the stage where I realized that as nice as it was, I was going to have to rip it out because I was forgetting the buttonholes.
 What I was really doing was avoiding the fact that there still is a little bit of stash tidying and digging to do.  The top shelf is all full bags, and two tidy boxes so it won't take long, but then, there is the last kick at the can so to speak,  the glass cabinet, and the last bit of lace boxes are on the list two.  

Nothing takes as long as the closet though.  That really is the part that takes the most time.  So many balls of pretty yarn, so many containers!  

Lest anybody wonder at my sanity doing these deep digs, and documenting them, it does a lot of things for me. 

It keeps me well acquainted with what I have on hand.  It reminds me how very very nice some of these yarns are, no, make that all of these yarns.  It is a way to put project and yarn together as new projects keep popping up on the radar.  I touch every skein except the ones in the bags, and there are almost always a few skeins of those loose too, so I still get a sense of that yarn.  I play colour games.  I think of almost nothing at all.  It is the most relaxing thing to do.  In this deep middle of winter, tossing the stash feels good. 

But besides all of these things, at its most fundamental, digging through the stash is a task I do for safety.  I do it to make sure that my stash is bug free and to clean in the corners of the closet and to dust the shelves. 

Digging through the stash is a lot more fun to do than to read about.  I'm very sure of that. So thanks for hanging in as I posted my notes and pictures.   

Off I go, coffee in hand, duster in the other.  See you tomorrow. 


  1. When the urge to hosue clean hits, I always think spring must be on it's way. I'm spending my Family Day house cleaning too.

  2. I've just spent the first part of family day digging through my stash of spices, dry goods and baking supplies and assigning recipes to quantities needing to be used.

    I feel just as you say about the process!

  3. Gasp! You never post on the weekend. I'm not even sure why I came to look. And I found myself 3 posts behind. Glad you enjoyed digging through your stash. GD
