Tuesday 29 January 2013

Let me think.



It's not working.  

It is seriously cold here this morning and I can't seem to get started.  I've done precious little knitting and without a doubt, that is a problem.  My hands are a little achy and I just wanted to snuggle in my warm and toasty bed under my nice wool blanket this morning.  The only thing that would be nicer, would be if I was also snuggling under my nice warm wool filled quilt. (Now there is a project that is sorely overdue)  That would be ever so much nicer.  And warmer.

I have tons of fibre that needs to be combed and spun into delicious yarn.  It speaks to me.  I'm getting just a little worried that it is going to speak to mrdr, and he is going to tire the noise coming from piles of great huge coffin like storage containers it all sits in.  It needs to be put into some sort of order so that I could knit sweaters and shawls with it. Or nice woolly blankets.  I sometimes wonder if you could full it all without any further ado into a nice warn thick felt that I could just toss over me.  Or make slippers out of.

I think that is all I am thinking of today.  Blankets.  Warm covers under which to hide.  Maybe gloves.  Layers.  Wool.

I'm thinking of staying warm today.  And if my hands ever warm up, I'll be knitting.  That way I will have another layer to wear before I get home.  The heck with work.  Its too cold to work.  I'm going to knit just to stay warm.

1 comment:

  1. you could full it to a blanket size batt, then make (or buy) a duvet cover for it. Hand tie it in a few places, and voila - a wool filled duvet. Hmmm... maybe I'll start collecting fibre like that...
