Wednesday 28 November 2012

If this is Wednesday...

Right.  Wednesday.  Only halfway to Friday and I am really looking forward to Friday.  The last two weekends were knitting lite, so this weekend...

I'm going to have to set up the Christmas trees.  And there is a Christmas party to go to.  Sigh. It will be another week or two till the knitting actually gets back into the mainstream of the day to day world of Chez Needles.  Thank goodness for waking up at 4 in the mornings.  If not for that there would be no knitting at all.

One of the results of all this kerfuffle is that I am having a hard time settling.  It was there before hand and it is so much worse now.  Yesterday morning, I looked at the green sweater for daughter 1 (who shall be so because she is married to son 1 and daughter in law is such a difficult thing to type all the time), but I just couldn't.  I looked at the lace and I just couldn't.  I looked at the pile of stuff and dug.  And I could.

What I dug out was the Icelandic Overblouse I have been working on.  Garter stitch.  Perfect.  Leftover Cascade 220 with no particular role in the stash and no project in mind, leftover from assembling Mr. Needles fair isle vest from a couple years ago.  I'm knitting it similar to what is in the book, but in a colour gradient.  Its the 2nd sweater in the newletter I have linked to.  

I was pleasantly surprised to find that I had only a little left of the black to knit before I needed to switch to the first gray, the darker one.  After yesterday and this morning, I am well on my way to the 2nd gray and may even have pictures for tomorrow.  I thought about taking one today, but you really can't see anything.  It's just a pile of black so far, and a pile of black picture is more or less useless if you are trying to show off the knitting.

I  talked about the colours I am using, a black and 2 different grays.  I may add a small bit of white, if I need to.  I only have 1 ball of the 2nd gray and you know me and my fears about running out of yarn.  When it is half used, by weight, I will switch to the white.  Or I might go back to use up the rest of the black.  

I had hoped to use up every scrap of the grays and the black yarn but even a garter stitch sweater isn't going to take as much yarn as I have.  There will be bits and pieces left, to say nothing of the skein of white I 'needed' (even though I might not need it).    

Thus is how a stash of oddments grows ad my stash of oddments is getting fair sized.  I will have to hope to use a lot of it up as Miss Sweet Thing grows (and perhaps has siblings) and loses mittens and hats on a regular basis.  


  1. I need the weekend as well. I have tos tart the decorationg - both inside and outside, plus cleaning, and planning and some errands to run.
    I think I need more than 2 days...

  2. Oh my goodness your productivity is amazing! Every time you post it is more and more knitting done!
