Tuesday 10 July 2012

When you park in front of a yarn store...

When you park in front of a yarn store on vacation, you know that just a little something is going to follow you home.

One of the most delightful things the shop had was Need a Sock

co-written by my dear blogger buddy, BrendaKnits.  It hasn't hit our stores here but I hope to see it make it in this falls book order at my LYS.  While I really don't need a book to knit socks, I am just completey thrilled to have this one.  Plus there is a really really nice cable thing that really appeals to plain sock knitter me.

They had some really great buttons too.  These are going to look marvelous with the soft pink Baby Cashmerino I have waiting in the wings.

And then the yarn.  She had a really great slection of sock yarns.  She had a bunch of different things that we don't have here in the city.  It was tough, but I knew I had to keep it sensible.  (That big sale on the 1st blew the budget already)

I came home with just one skein of yarn.  But what a skein.  Its silk and wool and enough nylon that everybody told me it would be great for socks.  It would, but what a waste.  
The yarn is Country Silk from Fantastic Knitting.  It is the big skein and comes in at a hefty 250 grams and 800 meters. 

Its going to be a something to toss over my shoulders, something where the pattern won't fight with the gold/tan odd man out colour that is on two small sections of the skein.  A small ruanna or a simple long shallow shawl.  It will be the right kind of thing to go from late summers cool evenings, to cool fall days.  It should be perfect at the office in winter.  

I don't know if it will make this fall, but you never know.  If I can just get this darn sweater done...

PS.  They are asking us to conserve water and keep our power usage really low.  They advise cutting out laundry and dishes.  Oddly enough, I will have no trouble doing my part.

1 comment:

  1. I think I have to move to where you are!
