Monday 16 July 2012

Rain and knitting

We got out to the garden on Saturday morning where Mr. Needles did more watering.  Mr. Needles has been watering as often as he can in the unrelenting heat of last week.  It isn't an easy thing without a well on the property and without Mr Needles hard work, everything would be completely fried.  We both did some weeding and it was past time to hill the potatoes.  In the afternoon, I had the chance to start this. 

Yes.  It is time for baby knitting.

This is the Easy Peasy Baby Jacket from Churchmouse Yarn and Teas.  My favourite LYS, River City Yarns,  carries all their patterns and as soon as I saw this one, I had to have it.  It is elegant in its simplicity.  With the wrap front and a tie closure, this is a sweater that could fit baby for many months.  The pattern is written in two gauges so there is an almost limitless supply of yarn choices.  But neither of the gauges is baby yarn.  

Easily resolved.  I am knitting the large DK version and hope to come out to a close to infant or 3 month size.  So far so good.  The yarn is the most magnificent Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino pink , photographed so true to life there, and so far from its gentle pearly pinkness here.

I'm just starting the decreases for the neckline and the sleeves have just been split.  (I'm knitting all in one though the pattern is written to sew together.)  Things this tiny do move so wonderfully fast.

Sunday morning, well, through the night actually, I woke to the sound of pitter patter on my roof.  We were in the middle of a gentle rain that went more or less, all day.  It was still raining a little yet this morning.  

This is a picture of the garden this year.  The far stuff in the background has been sprayed for weeds and once we get the new tractor home, make that new to us, as well as the equipment, we shall have it worked up into nice black ground, clean and tidy and proper.  Later this fall or early next spring, we will put it to grass seed for hay.
The lush green in the front is my garden.  I am so pleased with it.   (and that large green pile just at the bottom right corner is dirt removed from building the driveway, due to be moved shortly)

We are released from the watering chores for a while (thank heavens), and somewhere mid week or later this week, I will have to get and do a little pea picking.  Just a little.  That first picking is usually small, but oh so very worth it.

Baby knits and pea picking.  It is going to be the best sort of week!

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