Thursday 26 July 2012

I Love Baby Things

Who doesn't.  And I love knitting them.

Look at that itty bitty sleeve.  Doesn't it make you just curl up and want to talk baby talk?  And say itty bitty? 
Proto sleeve number two.  It ought to be ready to attach to the body shortly.  Its just such a few tiny rows.  So sweet.

As you can see, so far it looks just like a very very plain sweater.  Bottom up, sleeves attached.  Its time to make those big decisions about sleeve knitting.  Only in this case, they are not big decisions.  I'm not a real big fan of raglans and since I can now knit a set in sleeve simultaneously in several different ways, that is what I am doing.

These sleeves are going to be set in and will be knit the Elizabeth Zimmermann way.  Up at the top shoulder seams, I am going to do a 3 needle bind off.  I've done the same to attach sleeve and body.  Its a nice crisp way to finish something with no other ornamentation.

I will start the placket opening just after I finish the sleeve round.  I've been thinking about knitting that right on too.  I have to think about that a little.  Might have to knit it a few times to see if what I have in my head is going to work.  It might and it might not.

Knitting a placket means I am going to have to go on a hunt for teeny tiny buttons.    I wonder if somewhere in the button box, I still have a few from when my kids were tiny?  Brings to mind those wee packs of itty bitty sweetie buttons I bought sometime ago, just because.  I wonder if they might work?

Or maybe I ought to look for ladybug buttons.  Ladybug buttons would be so cute on a plain white t-shirt.  With jeans.

Holy hannah, I need to knit some jeans!  

1 comment:

  1. I have some lady bug buttons! (And my 13 year old boy is happy that I'm not planning on using them for hom...) they're yours if you want them - email me.
