Wednesday 4 July 2012

Another Mother

My daughter in laws mom will be coming for two weeks in the fall when the baby is born to meet the new sweet one.  Or will be if the government of Canada and the department of immigration are working right.  

I'm looking forward to it and wanted to knit something Canadian for her. 

I don't know if there is anything particularly Canadian about what I am doing but it is a more or less a Canadian yarn and I am knitting it.  That will have to do.

It starting like this.  Here is hoping that the cast on is loose enough because I really really want dramatic points.  I had the perfect amber copper beads in my stash.  

It is doing this naturally though, so I have high hopes for it.  

The pattern I am doing is a Susanna IC design, Icicles.  She has some really lovely designs but I chose this one because I would love to make one for myself.  Remember this?

Yup. This one. Icicles.  

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