Friday 15 June 2012


Even with all the progress on the pink sweater, I haven't been very faithful to it.  I've been playing with other things that happened in the stash.  

One sign of an unfaithful knitter is other knitting has to be the next half finished project.  Now you might think that had all my efforts gone to pink, pink would be done, but not so.  This was knitted when my hands were tired of the very sturdy non stretchy nature of Remix (after about 6 hours of knitting)  or tired of wee garter stitch and when my head just needed a little something different.  It isn't much of anything and has a long way to gob before its life as a project can be confirmed or denied.  It may not be anything yet though I am generally aiming for a vest.  I have 864 metres and it is a worsted weight, so I'm seeing just how far it can go.  There should be enough for a something.

I'm knitting it out of Flicker from Berroco which was given to me by a friend. It is different than my usual choice of yarns because of the tiny bits of metallic shine in it.  I'm generally not into bling in my yarn but it is very subtle, and I can see how one can easily fall for its incredible softness.  There is much here to love.

Flicker is a tubular yarn.  It is constructed by a strand (or 2 or 3) being knit into a tiny tube and they yarn you work with is that tube.   That construction makes it incredibly light.  It almost feels as if you are knitting nothing but air. Like any tubular yarn and like most things with a non-metallic sparkly fibre component, it is catchy so you do have to do each stitch with a little care, but its baby aplaca makes knitting it a pleasure.  The best part?  It gives a fabric with the most amazing spongy light interesting texture and feel.

The pink thing will likely be finished this weekend, and who knows.  If it keeps up raining and I can't get to the garden,  the choice for weekend tasks is housework or knitting. All of us know just which thing I am most likely to do!

1 comment:

  1. LOL Knitting or housework. Let me guess what you will choose.
