Monday 11 June 2012

A little something to take the edge off

I did a substantial amount of work on the pink sweater on the weekend.  I bound off the bottom edge, though I won't call it done till I can see what it looks like with sleeves.  It might need just another inch or two, to be in that proper place between too long sweater and too short dress.  Its a very thin line for someone as short as I.  Its such a thin line that I am not 100% sure that it exists.  In my mind it does, but only time shall tell if it exists in the world of sweaters.

In the mean time, just to take off the edge a little.  What edge you say?  Well, I got up and knit on the pink sweater till noon and my hands begged to stop working on the heavy project but my heart still itched to knit (ever have an itchy heart?  ya)

I have an overflowing basket of sock bits, and it was past time to get it down below overflowing.  I had cast on 15 stitches midweek last week, just fooling around, when my brain was overloaded.

Then on the weekend it grew and round 2 is completed.  I managed to sneak a little photo shoot in as I was working.  It will never be one of those splendid creations that make you hold your breath when you see their pictures, but it will be useful and washable and light.

There is an unusual amount of yarn in my sock basket that is yellow.  I was more than a little surprised at how many yarns laid side by side had yellow as a binding component.

When asked what my favourite colour is, I usually say red, but I know that yellow holds a very strong second.  I do have a stunning yellow study, brilliantly stunning, if I may say so myself, blindingly so to some.  But yellow is a much harder to wear colour, so I usually default to reds. Or so I thought.  The truth will out.

As it works up, I expect there to be other surprises, like how much rust and orange there is and how much blue there isn't.  I also think there will be only a very small amount of primary colours, though I have always thought of jewel tones and primaries as the things that spoke to me most of all.

Maybe it changes as you age?  I know that there is a physical component to the colours that attract us, that changes as our retina and optic nerve age.  Primaries are most easily identified by our childhood eyes and as we age our choices slowly move to tones and shades.

Maybe the choice of sock yarns shows this.  Or maybe not.  Maybe I am just plain in a loves yellow mode since I took up sock knitting.


1 comment:

  1. Itchy heart indeed. Your little sock yarn project is cool. Like a suare snail.
