Thursday 15 March 2012

No, not socks.

I did try socks.  I was sure it would feel right, but no.  So I am still in search of what my hands want to knit.  

My WIP bin was looking really promising so I have pulled out my ongoing Clapotis. I started it last spring and hoped to get it done so I could wear it in summer.  I never said which summer! 

I thought I was on to the second ball, but nope.  I have about 5 grams of the first ball to go.  That was a little disappointing but well, that is the way it goes.

The yarn is Wendy Happy.  Purported to be a sock yarn by most people, sold as such, it has never said said sock yarn to me.  From the beginning, it said shawl, wrap and quite possibly, it may have even whispered Clapotis the moment I saw it.  
It is a bamboo rayon and nylon yarn, and it is soft and slippery, and might feel great to wear on your feet, but honestly, no amount of nylon will make it good for socks.  Rayon fibre holds moisture and socks are not a good place to have moisture held.  But a shawl?  Oh yes.  Bamboo rayon's goodness is perfectly displayed in that sort of wearable object.  

Oh dear.  I looked at my rave project page.  2 years.  It is two years since I started this.  Oh I hate that.  

I have to switch out the needles.  I have nickle tipped needles on it right now and these days, I prefer bamboo tips for slippery yarns but it is time to get this project done.

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