Friday 9 March 2012

All I got was a t-shirt

Mr. Needles was off for his usual midwinter golf thing and once again, after a bit of ribbing,  

 and joshing from his buddies,

He brought something home for me.

It really isn't quite so bright as it seems here.  It is more of a soft peach, or melon colour.  Very soft and pretty.  

Its a yarn I haven't worked with yet, Cascade Pacific, a 40/60 blend of wool and acrylic.   There are so many babies to knit for this spring and summer and its is the perfect blend for easy care and long wear for kids and families, I am very sure it will get put to good use.  I'm looking forward to it.

And to all his golfing buddies, should they or their wives be checking the blog (or not), thanks for putting up with my wee small request.   


  1. not sure my husband would do this for me! Then again, as a fisherman, most of his man-cations are spent in the wilds of Labrador, Manitoba, Alaska or Montana, and there seems to be a dearth of yarn stores in such places...

  2. Lucky girl! I wouldn't trust Kubota Man with a shopping list of yarn.

  3. Hee Hee. That is so funny. Good sports they are.
