Sunday 12 February 2012


I took a trip to that dangerous territory in Lacombe, better known as The Crafty Lady and I came home with just a few balls of yarn. 

Nothing huge but still special.  Noro Kureyon would be special even if I had a hundred skeins.   And once again, bought with a very very specific purpose in mind.  

It's sitting here with a skein of Cascade Eco.  I have a few of these and am not going through with the original project it was bought for, so what was once a smart idea is now 3 colours, 1 ball each of Eco. It isn't quite enough to do anything with.  

Except a project like a Shalom if you use some Noro for the ribbed section.  There are dozens of them on Ravelry and I. Want.  One.

So as soon as this sweater is done, I will knit another.  It's a Shalomy time of year.

1 comment:

  1. That's a great idea. I am going to look those up. Thanks for the sugestion.
