Wednesday 6 July 2011

Oh my goodness!

What a busy day.  I did all sorts of things!

I pulled back Lillia to just where the first lace bit happened.  
(Ain't she purty?)

I had made  a slight error in reading the pattern.  I could have left it.  Others have done the same thing and it looked fine, but with these strong colours,  I needed it to be right.  So pullback and re-knit.  But I am moving forward nicely now and it is right where I want it to be for knitting around.

Then I finished the band on the Lichen vest.  Only facings and zipper to do.  I'll pick up the zipper Friday when I am in town and then will install it on the weekend.  

I knit on the pretty Clapotis that was hanging around for the last while. 
It was supposed to be done before summer, so it could be my cover up as I went out and about.  It is so close to half done, just the tiniest bit left of ball one.  Right Purty too.

And then I played with what I had planned to play with last week.  My new flour mill/grinder for my mixer.

Mr. Needles had to do a little playing around with it.  It was just the tiniest bit bigger than my meat grinder, which was just the tiniest bit bigger than the place they were supposed to fit into. So, Mr. Needles got out the auto sand paper and made them both fit correctly.  It worked wonderfully.  Of course, I needed to make bread.  

Two wee loaves.  

We don't eat a whole lot of bread around here and this way, we can keep the bread fresh. 

It was far too hot to bake in the house today, so I took advantage of our very very large BBQ, and cooked a roast and some baked potatoes for supper and popped the wee loaves in so they were done just in time. Perfect.  

I must thank my dear friend Frazzled Knitter who gave me the idea,  
and thank you to Mr. Needles, who will benefit from both, for making them work.

Oh and then I did laundry too.  But you all know how that goes.    

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