Monday 11 July 2011

Cold That Isn't Cold.

We had plans to go to the lake this last weekend, but the weather report was awful.  There was a very large system with heavy rain sitting just east of the lake.  It isn't dangerous, but this is a back country campground.  The risk is getting stuck behind raging streams till the water goes down.  We debated not going, but we decided the van was well stocked and worse come to worse, we would only miss a Monday.  As fast as the water in rivers and streams goes up, it goes down - so long as it stops raining in the watershed. 

Yes sir, the weather sucked.  When the weather sucks,  we go camping.  

This was the temperature inside my camper.  I could raise it if I turned on the furnace, but that only lasted for 15 minutes or so and using up your propane can be risky (that whole stuck longer than you planned thing).  You want to save your propane for when it is really cold.  

And this was the temperature outside my camper.  I went outside.  At least outside, I could keep a campfire going.  I played around watching the thermometers all day.  With a nice medium sized fire going, I could keep it easily at about 13 or 14C.   

So, even though it had the capacity to be truly miserable, it was actually very nice.  Though the air temperature was about the same as when we went early in June, the ground was warmer. That warmer ground made a world of difference. 

With the tarp as roof and the fire, this happened.  
It is the bodice of a pretty sweater called Folklore  The yarn is Blue Moon Fibre Arts Woobu.  The multi is the Fire on the Mountain colourway and the gray is Bleck.  I'm excited to see what Bleck looks like knit up in plain stockinette.  I suspect stunning. 

I've got the bodice done and will try it on today to see if I have to add stitches for fit and to check on how much more depth it is going to need till I split for body and sleeves.  I have followed the pattern carefully thus far (I Know!) but from here on in,the pattern and I depart and I'm in knit to fit country. 

I'm hoping I have lots of the gray yarn, but just in case, I do have at least a half a ball of Fire on the Mountain left.  Plenty to fill any short of gray yarn emergencies. 

Much as I would like to continue this newest thing, this morning I have a camper to clean and a Shetland Shawl to finish.  First things first, right?  

1 comment:

  1. what a difference for two parts ofthe same country. We were sweltering (happily!) in 30+ degree heat this weekend.
    Love the Folklore patterns, and can't wait to see the grey knit up.
