Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Work or play? Shetland or Purple?

So today I have a hundred and one tasks to do.  I have a mountain of laundry to fold and more to wash.  I have bathrooms to clean, and even I can see the state of my kitchen.

And yet the only question I have this morning is Shetland or Purple?  Which one should I work on today?

All things in good time.  I am hitting some of the housekeeping first, before I let myself touch any needles.  Bathrooms first.  Then I will knit, but only two rows and a cup of tea.  Then I will hit the laundry, clearing the backlog of things to put away.  Then I will knit 4 rows and drink two cups of tea.  That should take me to lunch when I will hit the kitchen.  After the kitchen, I will knit just a little more and drink more tea.  

This afternoon there are some farming matters to take care of.  We'll call it varietal research.  It sounds better than just looking at gardening catalogues.  When I am done with the gardening decisions, I hope that the waning afternoon finds time for a couple more rows and maybe another cup of tea.  

Its a good plan.  The weakness in the plan is that there is knitting in there all over the place, and in the face of all that knitting, I am weak.  2 rows often will begat 3 rows even after the tea is gone.  The weakness in the plan is me.

Because all I can think about is Shetland or Purple?  Which project shall I knit on?


  1. plans like that rarely work for me. I'm weak. BUt somehow, the important stuff gets done (eventually...)
