Thursday 20 January 2011

Dealing with the list

Several of my posts this year have been about my work in progress goals for this year, but I have not really given a full accounting here of the the list of specific things I mean to finish.  Here goes.

1.) Rustic Watershed  

2.) a scarf that matches Fuzzy Wuzzy 

3.) Small Shawl of Zauberball, unlisted on Ravelry

5.) The pair of IcarusShawls 

7.) A second little shawl not listed on Ravelry 

8.) Lehe Shawl

It is a weight to carry all these lovely but unfinished things. I feel the same as those rare days when I absolutely must get the kitchen pristine and those even rarer days when the only compulsion I have is to get the laundry done, completely done.  It is a weight and I am want it to be done.

This is the list of things I mean to finish or rip apart and give away the yarn for. This is the list of things that I have a deep connection to and do not wish to take apart.  These are yarns I do not wish to lose.  I must knit them.  

Still, it is a very long list of things, and I do have other things I would like to do this year.  There is a whole list of sweaters I want to knit and a bunch of shawls and lacey goodness to no end.  I like the idea of being swept away by very pretty new things too.  It occurred to me while knitting on January socks, that the best way to find balance between fun new things and this weighty task I have set myself, is to think of it like the socks, one a month.  

Some of them are going to take a fair bit of dedication to finish up in a month.  The two Icarus shawls and the Shetland Shawl need a lot of work.  Many of the others only need a couple of hours of work to complete. One of them is going to be ripped back and completely reknit (I found a better way to get the look I want)  Some of them are easy knitting that can be done on work days or come summer, after a long day in the garden when I am too pooped to think about anything else.   I have a right kind of project for every occasion and knitting need.

I've been wondering how I ought to approach the list and its nice to have it sorted out in my head.  It is also nice to know that once the Shetland Shawl is done, that I can start something completely new and still feel very good about it.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow! that is a lot of knitting to be done. And then the socks too. Don't be so dedicated that you end up with a knitting injury.
