Tuesday 17 August 2010

A Camping Pictorial

Going camping with family is a very special thing.  They have known me and put up with me from the first moment I breathed and they put up with me still.  That kind of acceptance is a rare and special thing.

And then you take out the cameras.  With a camera in your hand you are no longer just a sister, you are the enemy.

Family goes to all sorts of lengths to not appear in a photo, but if you are sneaky or persistent, someone will wrestle a photo out for you. Persistent with help above and sneaky below.

When you are among family, some things elevate to the level of  art.

Taking photos of people taking photos of each other and

the flash!

While we girls were busy doing this the guys had their own game.

and still more...

Checking out the layers of cloud.  The knowledge of how many layers of clouds we were under was of great value the entire weekend.  You don't know goofy till you have predicted the calling of *SUN* (think 'Squirrel' in the movie 'Up') and the entire crowd movs their chairs out into the sun for the 2 minutes it will shine before layer 4 creeps to block it.

And when it rained the girls found goofy games for us to play, or we just sat back and talked and told stories that were as old as we were.

When you are with family, the air is full of 'remember the time'.

There was cooking.

 There was a surfeit of food.  All of it excellent.

This was the between the meals table.  You really don't want to know what happened when there was a meal to be made.

And then, suddenly, it was time to pack up.  You know it is over when the tablecloths come off the tables.

And just like usual when we go family camping, somehow, even though you have eaten and stuffed yourself till you could not get one more tiny morsel into you, someone wants you to go home with more food then you came with.

No, this was not my corn.  I think Mom brought it. Well, she took it home anyway.  :)  You know how it is...

We were camping at Silver Lake in Saskatchewan, near the town of Maidstone.  They have a great private family group camping section and a wonderful roofed shelter.  Our weekend would not have been the same without that roof. Well worth the added cost.  

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you posted photos of the camping trip. Gail was talking about it when she was down here. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. We might have to try and make it next summer!
