Monday 31 May 2010


Yup, weather was a factor to everything this weekend.  

Not to bad, really.  If this was October, I'd be calling it pretty. About 4 inches of accumulated snow.  

If you look down the drive, you'll see a few small tress bowed by the snow hanging on their leaves to the ground.  

But this is what happens when a tree is fully leaved and loaded with snow and cannot bend.  It breaks.

The poor garage was swamped by small trees hanging low, resting on its roof.  

In 1997 we had a foot of snow in late May, and we are still cleaning up the back from that late snow. This was really quite minor.

Such was our weekend.

All photos courtesy of Mr. Needles, from whom I have stolen shamelessly.


  1. and all the while, we were sweltering in the Toronto area. Not that I'm complaining! I got my gardens and pots all planted...

  2. I had to double check the date on your blog entry. Is that really snow? Oh dear. Summer surely's just around the corner. Even in

  3. OMG!!! Snow!!! It was so hot here on Georgian Bay. #2 son and I hike atop a local 'mountain' yesterday and almost perished from the heat.

  4. Thank you for keeping the snow there. The temps are forecast to get a little closer to seasonable this week. GD
