This last weekend, we were back in Saskatchewan, visiting more family. While we were out there, I went through my mother in laws yarns, needles and stuff. There were some very interesting things and some very ... well some other stuff.
There were a lot of bits and pieces. She belonged to the generation of women who saved every bit, who would find a way to use it rather than toss it out. There were a lot of bits (pieces shorter than 6 inches) and a lot of pieces (shorter than 1 foot) They have been separated from the pieces that were long enough to do a nice long row of knitting or crochet.
It fills one big storage box and two small containers for the special things.
This is one of the special things. My Mother in law worked in Vancouver for a while when she was young. She lived in a womens hotel (hostel) and evenings were long and quiet. She decided to make a tablecloth. She bought all the thread she needed, and worked on it until she moved back home and got married.
It sat in her hope chest till long after the kids were grown and gone. She came across it again and finished it in the early 90s. These tiny balls of size 30 cordonnet are what is left.
I also came across the pattern she used for the tablecloth. I think the proper thing to do will be to use it for something special for her 9 granddaughters. So, sometime in the very near future I will be crocheting wee tiny spiral motifs, hopefully 4 from each ball. I will block them, then mount them on a dark something, ready for the girls to frame.
In the meantime, I found a tiny animal sitting on my shelf with my teapot.
Did anyone lose a wee knitted bunny?
Bunny is knitted in Kidsilk Aura, one ball with enough left over for a tiny little baby bunny.
Woo Hoo - quite the stash.