Tuesday 18 May 2010

Did you ever dream

Did you ever dream that as a full grown (and in my case over grown and nearing old) woman you would one day say to yourself, "Gee I wish I had a red wagon"?

I'm going to plant all my garden boxes today.  I have some very large tomatoe plants, some seeds to put in boxes for peas cucumbers, zucchini.  I have some herbs to plant, and I am going to have to do something about the overwhelming return of the chives, too.  

There are a few flowers to plant too.  I have oxalis to tuck somewhere.  It is hard to resist their warm red.  I have some pansies and violas to tuck in pots and baskets.  The bright sunny yellow and rich cheery purples will cheer up and add brilliance to quiet corners.    

There are bags of soil to move around, and if I look around here somewhere, there is probably peat too.  Lots of things to keep me busy all day long.  Lots of things to move from here to there, and there to here...

And thinking about moving all these things around my yard, with its hills and ups and downs and stairs, is right when I had the sudden wish for a little red wagon, a sudden and sincere urge, indeed need of one.           

Here I sit, as a full grown adult, thinking seriously about purchasing a brand spanking new red wagon of my very own.  I could do the adult thing and get one of those little carts meant for moving plants.   The garden centres all carry them but there is just something about a red wagon, that feels right. 


  1. go for the red wagon. One of the joys of getting older is that we can do whatever we please! And it will look so nice carting things around.

  2. You could even get the red wagon and then when you weren't using it, park a nice pot in it, and leave it somewhere decorative.

    Lee Valley used to sell a nice one.
