Monday 24 May 2010

Cleaning is a messy business

It was coming for quite a while.  A cabinet in my study needed cleaning.  Most of my furniture is shelving but for one glass cabinet, and it has been bugging me. With the new chair and the seating opportunities it offered, the study needed a rearrangement.

As ever when you clean, you create a big mess.

Looking a little 'Hoarders', isn't it?  

The cabinet was emptied sorted ordered and moved.  Casters were put on the bottom of the nice new blue chair. The desk was moved to its new spot.  

The WIP pile was gone through and any marginal items were taken out and decided upon. Frogging happened here.   I'm down to one basket of things I know I will finish.  My Lehe shawl.  My River Valley shawl. Some socks. There is another basket of projects that are actively being worked on.  The Sandy sweater, the skirt, some socks.    

All the bits and pieces that accumulate from the normal work of knitting are put away.  The bin with all the bits and pieces, all the leftover bits of projects were admired and played with.  I have some very pretty little bits and pieces as well as some mundane sock bits.

There were a few odd balls of yarn to be added to the sock yarn bin.     For some reason, likely the sheer size and weight of it, this bin, is always at the bottom of the pile of bins.  Most inconvenient, since it is the one I dig in the most.

The long and the short of it is, that from its earlier disaster phase,  the study is looking much better now.  (Amazing find of the day?    This place has a floor!)  I can get in and out with ease.  I can see the spinning corner.

It isn't perfect yet.  Not by a long shot, but it is much much better.  There are drawers to go through.  There is a works in progress cabinet to restore to its rightful place beside my chair. There are bookcases to dust, and shelves to put to rights.   There are printed things and patterns to go through and a pile of yarn to take to knitters in need.

But, all in all, the study is a much cheerier place this morning.  And I am cheerier for it.

1 comment:

  1. Hoarders indeed. It might warrant a TV show for 'other' people, but for knitters, it is knormal.
