Friday 30 April 2010

Measuring things

My natural way of going about things is guess and by golly.  I am still amazed that I swatch for knitting. Honest I do. I have proof.

They even have a card attached with the needle size written on it and any other pertinent information. 

I know.  Shocking behaviour.

But if I tell you that I figure I have enough white duck fabric to make a blind, you have to know I didn't measure the window.  I just sort of 'looked ' at it and 'looked' at my fabric, and thought,' hey I could...'

I was thinking the window was about 4 feet long and about 2 feet high.  That is a pretty standard window size for a bedroom window. The window in my study is that size, and I thought they were pretty much the same.  

I was knitting on the white lace yesterday.  It is starting to get long.  
Really long.  I have 44 inches of white lace.  I almost danced for joy at the thought that I had only 4 or so inches left to knit.  I decided to sew the blind up.  I have some white tape with rings on it that has to get attached.  I have tabs to make to hang it.

In order to do that I had to measure.

The freaking window is 66 inches wide.  Sigh.  5 and a half feet.  Panic ensued.  Do I have enough fabric?  Yes, but barely.  It is going to take every scrap I have to cover the window.  I'll get my length and width alright, but there isn't enough there to make tabs.  There isn't enough left to even make a proper hem on the top.

No need to rush to get the blind sewn up.  I have 22 more inches of white knitting to do. Lots of time to think while I knit.  Oh joy.  Lots of time to think about how I am going to hang the blind.  Lots of time contemplate  the greater mysteries.

Like how did our great great grandmothers ever knit and crochet the miles and miles of white edging they needed for petticoats. Crinolines? Hankies?    

They were, quite clearly, made of sturdier stuff.


  1. my eyes never measure the same way a tape measure does. I keep trying, but it doesn't work.
    And the miles they knit? DOn't forget, they did it on teeny tiny needles, while also running the farm, raising the kids, and basically doing a lot of stuff that electricity takes care of for us now.
    Sturdier stuff is right.

  2. Not only how did our Grandmothers do it, but how did they do it by candle light or kerosene lamp?
