Thursday 3 September 2009

A knitters version of hell

Since the day I discovered knitting socks, I have not been without at least one pair in my bag and very often two. It's a comfort knowing that there is always a little something to work on in your bag.

The other day, for the first time in years, I looked in my bag for socks and I realized I had none. I had shawls. I had gansey samples, I had scarves, but nary a sock in sight.

For just a moment, I honestly did not believe it. I felt a thud in the pit of my stomach. Knots formed and I could instantly feel the acid tap turn on. My world wobbled on its axis. I felt bereft. And lonely. And very, very scared.

I am never without socks. I have sock projects scattered all over the house. Some in my room so I can knit before bed. There is almost always a sock something in the dining room or kitchen. There is a little pile in my study, and I often forget one in Mr. Needles study where the computer resides.

But to have no socks instantly at hand. Shudders. I took my seat kind of blindly, deep in shock. No socks.

The really sad thing is this happened in a yarn store. The store was holding a presentation by a yarn distributor and the speaker was beginning to speak. I was sitting at the back of the store with the bulky and the sock yarn is at the front. I would have knit a bulky yarn sock but for one thing. The needles are at the front.

My bag was tucked in the staff place for such things, and with the presentation under way, I could not even go back to get the scarf without causing a ruckus.

I pondered hyperventilation. I pondered panic. Instead I did what ordinary people do and just sat there.

This is what hell is going to be like if you are a knitter, isn't it? Yup.


  1. That's just too funny (but true). What were your hands doing all the while that the presentation was going on? Tucking hair in behind your ear? Clenching and unclenching?
    Were you sitting on them?

    The word verification is indecity. I can make a sentence with it: I will be indecity next week :0)

  2. my word verification is saxis. My saxis in for repairs - I'll have to play my trumpet.

    Amd yes, that is knitter's hell. I bring my sock in progress everywhere, even when I know I won't have time towork on it. Just in case...
