Monday 27 July 2009

Took a little break

I knit my heart out this weekend. I knit on the shawl till I was at clue 4 and then I knit a little more. I knit the shawl till I just needed to take a break from the shawl. Mystery or not, sometimes you just have to step back and breathe.

This morning I picked it up again and did another couple rows. It looks like it did last week. Not too impressive is it? That is the nature of lace, I suppose. Looks like a loosely strung together pile of string till you block it. I can show you the pile of string look, but I can't show you what I see when I stretch it out. I'm really really pleased with how looks then. A toast to the designer, Ms. ThatLoganChick.

I needed to escape the lace, so I did as I always do: started another project. I know, but it so cute. I took that Mission Falls 136 and began a something for my niece. I had been thinking of a baby surprise sweater, but this is just so much better. I still have Meg Swansen's 'Knitting' from the library and the cover sweater is inspiring me to take these marvelous neutrals and turn them into a wee baby sweater. I'll steek it and make it into a cardigan, but doesn't it look cute just like this? I'll keep it simple, I think, just the little arrowhead pattern, in both directions, and maybe a x and o pattern for hugs and kisses in between. Well, that is the plan, but simple is my first focus. You don't want to overwhelm a little one with too much pattern. Planning out the colour work would be easier if I had an odd number of colours to work with, but I have plenty of yarn, so I'm sticking just with these, and seeing what happens. So far, I'm pleased.

The other thing I did this weekend was to move all my knitting back to my study. In spring I moved upstairs. My heater died, and my room was just too darn cold, so I sat and knitted in the sunny the big dining room window. With the heat of summer, its time to move back down. I cleaned and tidied and made it a good place to be again. I'd almost forgotten how much I enjoyed sitting down here, with its cheery yellow, and its bright airy atmosphere. The big for a basement window is the blessing of having a front walkout, and I intend to air the room out good as soon as we have a cool day.

Knitting in the study felt a little like being home after a vacation. Its like I am reacquainting myself with all my little fripperies. I'm paging through books, I'm looking at yarn, I'm admiring my collection of little blue and white things.

I'm very contented. I have some very pretty things, I'm knitting and it's good to be back.

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