Tuesday 13 January 2009

Book Day and more.

Yesterday, my much desired book arrived. I have been obsessing about Knitted Lace of Estonia since the July/ August issue of Piecework Magazine featured a shawl from Nancy Bush's new book.

It was worth the obsessing.

Knitted Lace of Estonia. What an absolutely lovely book.

It begins with the history of lace knitting in Haapsalu and Estonia. Next up the pattern section, I could sit down right now and make each and every one of these shawls. They are a masterwork of delicacy, beauty and clever knitting. I can't think of a single book I have ever seen where I loved every single pattern, but this one, I do. For those among us who need just a little more to take us over the edge, Nancy included a stitch dictionary so that we could all sit down and design our own Estonian inspired lace shawls. There just isn't much more a soul could ask for.

The book is so full of good things, I have to give this one a double treble. If you are a normal lace knitter, and not an obsessive book collecting lace knitter like me, you still should buy it. It is that good. And you really ought to run, not walk to do so.

To clear up the unfilled pre-order of Nancy's book at Chapters, and since Chapters initially declined to give my funds back to me but for a store credit, (I was unable to find my receipt showing exactly how I paid for it), I decided to clear it up by choosing a different book. Though I am still miffed at Chapters, I may have to forgive them. They may not have been able to supply Knitted Lace of Estonia in a timely fashion, but they did carry this book.

'101 Luxury Yarn One Skein Wonders'. If you'd like to give someone a book this coming year, consider this book. If you need just a little treat to lift your spirits consider this book. If you come across this book on your travels, pick it up. It is funds well spent. There are so many good things in it. There are lacy things, baby things, simple things, complex things. All sorts of big things and little things done with those precious skeins of truly beautiful yarns, the cashmere, the quiviut, the silk- sea cell blends we love so much and buy only very sparingly. I have not really paid attention to the previous two volumes, but if this is what they are like, I'm missing out.

I don't know if this book is a must on anyone's knitting bookshelf. Really, which books are? But if you are looking for a lovely book, you might want to consider this one. My copy is going to be very very well used (projects are lined up already) and I consider it a strong double crochet.

Now, on to things far more important, much more important than a book or two, way, way more important than even these two really good books.

Some fifty years ago today, my mom and dad gave my brother and I something new. They gave us a baby sister to play with. I don't think I appreciated it at the time, since I was only 1 year and 9 days old myself (my brother was not yet 3), but mom, dad, if I ever forgot to mention it, thanks for my sisters.

For my next to me sister, for the best friend a girl could ever have, Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the BD wishes. Didn't look here till Thursday.
