Wednesday 3 December 2008

Sometimes, you just need colour

I am having an inordinate amount of fun with the mittens. And look at this.

Purdy, yes? Right now, I have the other mitten on my needles again, and I am going to redo the top and make it look like this. It's a much more effective play of colours or non-colours, as the case may be.

Before I headed out to Knitting yesterday, as I surveyed my projects trying to decide what to work on, I realized that once again, everything is black and white or gray. I just really needed to see a little colour as work flowed from my needles.

I dove into the sock yarn stash, because if you are looking for a couple hours of something different, the sock yarn stash is THE place to go. I came up with an old colour from Blue Moon Socks That Rock. The colourway is Aline, and though gone for a time, seems to be back on the website.

It is making me giggle each time I get to deep teal parts and there is something about the coppery parts that is, gosh darn it all, making me blush. These colours are bringing me a great deal of simple unsullied pleasure.

The store doesn't have any Aline in right now, but if you are looking for STR in Canada (and if you are from the US, have you looked at the exchange rate lately?), we do have a really good range of colours. Call and talk to me, and we will find something that will ...

I'm going to quit now, before I start sounding like one of those fugly 'text me for a good time' commercials.

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