Monday 1 December 2008

The sky is falling

I worked on mittens this weekend and scarves and wrist warmers too. Wrist warmer, scarf and mitten set for my sister in law who helped me out in a very big way. You will notice the absence of beads. They were large beads, and once knitted in, looked like a fish out of water. I took them out, and re-knit. I am disappointed but I probably should have chosen smaller beads, and worked in multiples. My large beads were just wrong.

Tonite I am going to finish this pair of mittens. Mitten two is well under way. I'll show you some interesting stuff with these tomorrow.

So far colour work has been a fairly speedy feeling knit. Time moves fast while you are so engaged in a project, even when the pattern is easy enough to do. It's almost hypnotic.

The downside is that I could not finish it up yesterday because my eyes pooped out. I worked about 3 hours, until I could no longer focus on the graph paper and had to move on to something else. That is how the sister in law's gift happened to get finished, but I really really hankered after the black and white.

This is holiday knitting, big time and I am now far enough along to feel very very complacent. In laws, check. Sister in law, check. Sister, partial check. Son and wife, partial check.

Looking at it that way, I don't have a lot done at all.I still have a couple of hats, and at least two pairs of mittens to do. As usual, when I start to feel complacent, the sky falls.

And here I was wondering what I keep bumping my head on.

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