Wednesday 31 December 2008

A Sister's Socks

Way back in February of last year, my closest in age sister came to visit, and I took her to the yarn store. GD is one short year and nine days younger than I am, was 'streamed' a grade ahead in grade school and thus we were classmates as well as sisters and she has always been my best friend. She choose 2 sock yarns, and the deal was I was going to knit them as gifts for her. One was a Fabel Sock yarn that we both fell in love with and one was an Arequippa sock yarn, in a lovely natural shade. I started the Fabel pair right away.These socks and I have been steady companions over most of 2008. We really should not be calling them sister socks. We should be calling them Forever Socks v. 2008. These socks, unbeknownst to my sister, have had many different lives before they made it to her feet.

I tried 3 different heels and found I could duplicate none of the heels a second time. I tried a a toe up gusseted heel, a short row heel, a Fleegle heel, and finally went back to my old and very much favoured afterthought or peasant heel. Once that was finally debated and decided upon, it still took me months to get these socks done. I had to decide how to finish the top. 2 x 2 rib top, picot edging on a hemmed top, standard 1 x 1 short ribbed cuff? I'm pretty sure that this pair of socks was at least 5 different completed single socks at one time or another.

These socks were my companions wherever I went. I carried them along with me for months, never working on them, just knowing they were there. They lived with me, they went to the grocery store, the mall, the book store, they went to the mountains with me, they took buffalo tea with both of us, and came home to be finally put out of the work bag as Christmas knitting filled my days.

For some time now, I have been wondering if these socks were slow because they were a habit, or a comfort. I really liked them. I loved working with this yarn. When I didn't know what else I could do a row or two on, I always knew your socks were there backing me up, boosting me when I needed boosting. In a way, it was as if your spirit was there in the fabric of these very humble socks.That last week was when I finally set my sights on finishing them, even if I had to put the cuffs on during Christmas dinner. They hardly took any time at all. The cuffs were done before the holiday, but I put the heels on while all the family was present, and while we were chatting after all the feasting was done.

In the long journey of these socks, they had reached their full potential, and are filled not just with my life but with the love and joy of the entire family at Christmas. They fit you nicely.

But I must ask you sister mine, which of these two other nice yarns is the one you liked. Its been a while and I have absolutely no idea.


  1. Hello
    I am the founder of a non-profit org called Comfort Socks. We would gladly accept any surplus of socks you can donate.

    please check out our website. we pray that you will be moved


  2. If she doesn't choose the green, I'll take it...
    Love the fabel socks - I have a "comfort pair" as well - taking me forever, but always there when I need a little sumthin, sumthin...

  3. I love my new socks. Sorry they were so much work. Glad they gave you comfort through the year. As you worked at Christmas, I was thinking about how neat it was that we could all see you work on them, see how much you enjoyed doing it. I don't remember which one of the two yarns it was. If I can have my choice today, I'll take the one on the right. Sandra can have the green. Thank you so much. Now the socks will comfort me.
