Monday 6 October 2008

A New Heel and Much More

A quick post to start off the week. It was a wonderful weekend. The workshop was excellent. Flat stranded colourwork and

colourwork in the round.

It would have taken many sessions of giving up in disgust before I figured out the easy way to purl in the round (use your dominant hand to purl) and I am not so sure I could have figured out how to carry colours across the backside on the purl row in flat work either. Two tricky little techniques that made the workshop well worth the time...

but I sure could have used an extra hand. At the very least another thumb and forefinger.

When I got home, I thought about planning out a colourwork project. I do have the yarn and want to do a little something to reinforce what I learned. I have a pillow project to do, but I might do some socks or some mitts with the technique. they will be a lot faster than the pillow.

When I got home I worked on baby blankets and socks. The blankets (No photo yet) are my most urgent project, and the socks are, as ever, what I do when my brain no longer has the ability to release or accept new information. I put that new heel (the Wendy link from the other day) my friend showed me into practise on a current pair, and lookee.

No holes, no wraps, no counting. Easy as pie (with a purchased crust). It is a little hard to see it well. The heel section is just completed. I have not tried it on yet, so I can't confirm if I placed the heel at the right point, but I think it will be close.

As my friend said this is a heel you can do while you are at knitting group, and while you are in line ups and waiting rooms. The construction makes it that easy to read your stitches so you know where you are.

I love a busy weekend but I am looking forward to a good rest tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. You're going to have to show us that heel when we next meet again. Looks great.
