Monday 8 September 2008

When you go camping in the mountains

the very first thing you do is go over the list of things you forgot. Like the time I forgot my shoes, and found out at the first pit stop. Like this time when I forgot my coat. If you are camping in the mountains in September, the one thing you really do not want to forget is a coat.

Our supply stop on this trip included Walmarts fabric section. It was meant to be. The darn things had my name on it. The earth was moving in mysterious ways, because this Walmart had all sorts of other interesting things. When mysterious forces are at play, it is best to just go with it, so I picked up some of those too. None of my local Walmarts have ever carried dpns in small mm sizes. It was meant to be.

I put all those things to use, and made myself a campfire poncho. It was a little rough around the edges, but it did the trick.I'll refine it a little, but then it is going to stay in the van and become the 'oops' weather gear. (and yes, I have now heard enough little Red Riding Hood jokes to last me a lifetime. Who knew Mr. Needles knew so many silly things)

Stopping for extra gear was a smart idea. The weather was generally cool and damp. It rained just one day, but the spectre of rain was everpresent in the gray haze clinging to the mountain valleys. There were no long views this trip. One morning, there was enough sun to sit in for a spell, so long as I was prepared to pick up and chase it aound. Between shade from tall trees, and cloud patches, the sun was in short supply even then.

It made for a lot of time tending the fire and sitting in its warm aura under the tarps. The upside, there was very good knitting time. Though I did not get everything done that I had planned, I was pleased. (No one in their right minds could knit up all the yarn I took along, but then I have never claimed to be in my right mind when it comes to yarn.)

One crocheted pair for the heavy chill of winter.One knitted pair for immediate use.
I had really hoped to get the heels done in at least 2 of the pairs of sock blanks, but no go. I'll tend to that this week.

I could have done it yesterday, but after the the socks, I just needed something a little different. I took out the Misti Alpaca Suri Silk I had along camping and started a really nice little scarf. The stitch is an old Shetland knitting stitch, called Mrs. Hunter's stitch. I choose it from the Encycopedia of Stitchery but it seems to me Mrs. Hunter's is in one of the Barbara Walker Treasuries too.Most of my knitting time yesterday was spent working on writing up the pattern for the little project for the store. To check my work, I knit a sample checking if the stitch counts and yarn usage was right.

My original version of the project is at the store, and this second one is going to good use. It will be absolutely perfect for Mr. Needles's mom for Christmas. With her soft white hair and the blue and white scheme of the collar, I know she will look lovely. As soon as the store puts up photos, I'll post some here too.

Some people might save some of these happenings for another day, but not me. All that knitting time, meant I had a lot of time to think about knitting (and a few other things, but mostly knitting).

I could talk knitting and yarn for decades without needing to think much. Adding in all this thinking time...It could get scary.

1 comment:

  1. I am always afraid to forget something important when preparing for a trip. I get very paranoid about food so we end up bringing enough to feed an army ;)
    Great knitting progress. I really like crocheted socks - didn't know until today that you can actually crochet socks. And that is one beautiful scarf! Love the stitch and the colour!
