Friday 19 September 2008

Talk Like a Pirate Day

Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Why should this matter on a blog that is about needles and string? Ask a silly question....

Knit like a Pirate Bag

Knit Like a Pirate, the website

She's got hats, she has a great bag, she has mittens. She has a rogues gallery of splendid fun.

There are links to other great piratical things. Like Knitting JuJu's Jollyfish Hat and a link to piratical argyle and well so much more fun.

Click all the links, let out your inner pirate, and sail the seas of your imagination and have a little fun.




  1. LOVE the Jollyfish! That may be my son's next hat...

  2. I larrrrrve TLAPD. Arrrrr.

    And for next year's TLAPD website roundup, here's a website that will translate from English to Pirate speak. Of, if you're really adventurous, it'll translate an entire site! Arrr matey, now walk da plank!
