Friday, 27 June 2008

Knitting days

Preparing to knit while traveling is taking up an inordinate amount of my time. We have that first family wedding this weekend, and the Bride's bag knit, is ready to go.

Driving knitting is the first consideration. It is a 6 hour drive, and the brides bag is only going to take an hour to get set up, so I should work on something fairly easy while driving. There are the yellow socks to consider, and those far older ones that really must get done. Shouldn't a driving to a wedding sock be happier than a project you are having issues with? Or should I think of myself as a captive audience and I could get those socks finished so I could look myself in the face again?

4 hours of knitting would be a great time to start another sweater, but first I really should finish the one I am working on. I could do that, but it would be just a tiny bit boring. What happens if I finished in 2 hours? There I would be, stuck in a van, halfway to Saskatoon, and let me tell you, there are no knitting stores halfway to Saskatoon.

I could start the lovely new scarf. I have some green Suri Alpaca that is going to be amazing. I will be able to use the beads I didn't use for the prototype Bride's bag, but when I think about this, the idea of relearning a form of crochet while driving, is a little overwhelming. I think I should do it when I am sitting in one place for a while.

Unless I get a chance to start it this evening, and remember all those forgotten skills. If I remember how, the scarf would be a great project for the drive.

Or should I take along something very different. There is always the Agatha shawl, in a tomato red 'Salsa' colourway that I'd like to have done before winter. Hmm, but that would be charts. There is a red bag I need to knit, and felt. If I start now, I should be finished with the new one right about when the old one wears out.

So many choices, but I like that. These are all things that I would need or gift, or buy for the winter, but when I knit, or crochet them myself, I get the extra entertainment bang for my clothing budget, and the satisfaction of making it myself.

Truth be told, the emergency knitting for the van will probably be socks. I have some nice yarn to use and people waiting for some good warm socks to wear. They are simple and I can knit and chat with my husband as we go along. I'll take along all the unfinished socks, and work through them. I'll have a toe ready for that just in case I need more 'knitting at the wedding' knitting. Maybe once they have gotten over the idea that I am knitting at the reception, they will forgive me if the last project of the evening is brillaiant fuschia.

There all set. The big stuff is all ready to go.

Now if only the laundry was done.

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