Thursday 10 April 2008

Small Moves

Yesterday was all about small moves. And sleep, now that I think about it. I did do this though. I call this 'not good blocking' now that I look at it in the cold light of morning. I feel a redo in my immediate future. As you can see the scarf ended up 6 feet long, longer than I thought the skein would produce at the width I cast on. The borders are a little wider than I intended but are nice and firm. Wearing before blocking showed the seed stitch edge liked to fold back over the pattern stitches when worn. I'm not sure if it is the nature of the combination of stitch patterns or if it is the nature of this yarn. (It has the most wonderful bounce) I hope the blocking will get past this, but if not, well (sigh),lesson learned.

Gratuitous gorgeous yarn photo. (Is it a blogger sin to use the same photo so many times even if it is a really great photo?)

I have my hands on the Agatha pattern. Today's work is to knit up a swatch. The colour of the yarn and the sheen of it, will show off the stitch pattern so beautifully, but blocking is going to tell the tale. Will the yarn be a good match for the pattern?

I expect adventure, I hope for seriously fine things. We'll know the result tomorrow.


  1. Ha, ha - that's how I block too! My Arctic Lace scarf came out very long, and its border does the foldover thing a bit. I have to wrap it around my neck - but it looks very nice that way. I tried to take pictures but they did not work out and now my camera batteries are dead. Hope you're feeling better.


  2. so pretty! I'm glad the yarn found a happy home!
