Tuesday 29 April 2008

Fresh Eyes for Purposeful Holes

I love lace knitting. Seriously I do. I am fascinated that by working two stitches together and then making a yarn over somewhere along the row, I can make all kinds of strange and wonderful things happen.

It is something less than wonderful when the darn holes turn up in the wrong places. In the wrong places holes are not lace. They are just holes and as we all know, a purposeless hole has no place in knitting. I'm pretty sure that others have hit this place in lace knitting before me, and I am quite sure I won't be the last, but right now, all I see is holes.

Its amazing how one moment lace is going along perfectly well, and you have a groove going, and your needles are singing. In a instant, it changes and your needles are croaking and your groove looks a lot more like a ditch or a slough. Or even a quagmire. Maybe when I am knitting longer, I will recognize the point between groove and quagmire and stop before I before I hurt my self.

I have been thinking of simple projects over the last few days. I crave something simple. I have some socks around that need doing, but what I really want to do is to get out and do something without even a hint of thinking.

One of the ladies at knitting Tuesday was making this scarf. Its nice. Its simple, and it HAS NO HOLES. In the world of holes, this scarf is looking pretty darn good. If not this, something a lot like it is on my needles today. I'm going to knit me a fresh set of eyes.

Holes really are just empty spaces. With fresh eyes, you stop focusing on holes and you see the stitches.

1 comment:

  1. Can ya knit me a fresh pair of eyes too? Mine are feeling kind of gritty. Thank you, you're so kind.
