Monday, 24 March 2008

Some Monday Mornings

This morning it finally feels like I don't have a job to go to daily. It feels so strange to have all this time to think, to be quiet, to work on things that have a great deal of meaning to me.

Over the weekend, we did some work in my study. Besides a good deep cleaning, we built some more shelves, and got a bunch of things off the floor. I also picked up some roller drawer units to put all the bits and pieces away. There still is some refining to do, like making some intelligent needle storage...

Ah, my regular needles. They are a source of deep dislike and maybe even serious knitting trauma. Years ago, I bought a set of plastic needles in a case. They are plastic with stubby fat points, and no amount of knitting will ever make me like them. I am seriously considering tossing the works. One of the ladies at my LYS and I once discussed that they might make good wall art but that is about it. Slowly I am replacing them with better things, but as I do that I'm finding out some pretty strong personal preferences.

I used to dislike knitting because I found it very hard on my wrists. The dpns, and circular needles and short metal needles that I like to use for scarves don't do that, but every new long straight needle I have tried does. I think the answer for me is with a circular needle set.

In a perfect world, I'd like the firm part of the needles longer than most circs have, 10 inches rather than 6, but there is nothing on the market like that currently. I've looked for a long time at the various systems. The Denise needles are OK, but I have a growing preference for sharper points and shiny steel. I'm thinking quite seriously about the Knit Picks Options nickel set. I like the idea that I can get an extra cable or 3, and that if I happen to loose a point, I can replace it.

And then again, maybe I should just buy Addi Turbos in every size imaginable. They are dream needles to work with. Sharp points, long sloped tips, super flexible cables. There are lots of great reasons to give in and buy a good set of Turbos in every size. It would give me an excuse to go to the yarn store every couple weeks. As if I need an excuse.

What to do, what to do. I might have to stop and see what the store has for needles tomorrow morning.

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