Saturday 10 November 2007

A plethora of pictures

A fair bit of work this morning, but I figured out the memory card problem. A couple photos had become corrupted on the memory card over time, and everything after them could not be copied. All I had to do was clear out all the corrupted files, and away I went. It was time to to clean it up anyway.

I have spoken of it before, and now I present pictures.

It is the loveliest thing I have. Still. The yarn has some cashmere in it, some wool and I think some rayon or silk. I don't recall the brand, I can't recall the name, but it was big bucks. If you touched it, you would know why I HAD to have this yarn. Several people have looked at me funny when I wear it, because I never wear brown. I just ask them to close their eyes and touch it, and the mystery goes away. The pattern is from The Prayer Shawl Ministry. I use a simple gold coloured hoop and a bamboo crochet hook as a closure for it, but except for special occasions with cool evenings, it is too warm to wear. I have tried wearing it to the office, but it is too long. So I wear it when I am feeling down, and tired while I work. I wear it when the day has been too long at the office, and I feel there is no way out. I am soothed when I wear it. It is THE best treat I have ever given myself.

Now on to the yarn I wanted to tell you about.

It looks much more blue here than it is. It is wonderfully soft, and oh so very smooth. I can't wait to try it. I may even go so far as to move a project, the shawl, off the needles.

This is a huge thing to do for me. But the longer I work on the shawl the more odd it seems. I am using no yarn. It seems I have hardly used any off the small ball of the Schaeffer Anne (and check out the link to the real Anne. Fascinating!), and the small ball is followed by the big ball. Will I have enough if I try a small shawl ,(which is what I am looking for) with just the Anne? I came across this link a while ago, and there are a few that I really do like which use under 600 yards of yarn.

Decisions, decisions. What to do, what to do.

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